The microcredit can be seen as a true example in which the poverty fight ideals can, in practice, be applicable overcoming the old utopias that by economic, technical or political reasons cannot emerge although they are full of good will. .

Here, the microcredit should be faced as low capital loans to low income people in order to eradicate poverty. The users don’t have access to the traditional bank loans due to the scarce guarantees shown. This way, it’s impossible to start a family business making daily survival a hard job. So, the microcredit appears as a hopeful alternative to these families.
The amount of money involved is low ( in developing countries it usually don’t pass the 220 dollars) and the rates of interest still high when compared with the conventional bank rates but are an alternative to the money lenders (people that lend money with 120% to 300% of rate of interest)
The microcredit rates also support a pack of services included in a microcredit context as technical advertisement (since the main goal is the small businesses), sanitary and nutritional education, basic skills training and also promote an integration in a beneficiary group that help each other improving the chances of success.

We must note that most of the microfinance programs in the developing countries point directly to women, because they are the majority of the under poverty line population and get socially excluded. Although, they show great capacities and the necessary will to manage and expand a business.
Having a stable income source makes possible to pay the loans (the repayment rate is between 95% and 98%) to improve the family lifestyle and also creates conditions that allow children to attend school. These small loans work like a stone in the lake causing a positive impact in the people surrounding the beneficiaries. Small amounts of money produce bigger capitals which make even possible to contract employees helping other families.
The institutions that provide these services work totally or almost in a self-sustainable way because the return loans are reinvested in other loans and services, although sometimes other help is needed like the one provided by organizations, governs and philanthropists.

To guarantee the future of the services, it is considered that poverty, especially in small communities, it is predictable. Sop, it is possible to calculate the associated risk in each business dependent on the kind of activity created, owner’s experience, age, gender, lifestyle etc. This way not only the repayment rates get more secure but also the users trust do.
As we can see, the microfinance’s centers are actual development associations giving back hope and creating valuable opportunities.
For further information please visit:
Grameen FoundationMicroFinanceGrameen Foundation(Real Example)