Bushproof is a social privet company registered in Madagascar and in the United Kingdom, founded in 2004 by Adriaan Mol and Eric Fewste, both with working experience in non Parliamentary organisations (ONG), with humanitarian goals and simultaneously with the finality of gathering financial and social profits of their efforts and investments. Their main activities are:
- Low cost perforation and well construction;
- Fabrication of water bombs and water treatment technologies that are able to be utilized on the spot
- Consultation in the water and sanitation sector
Bushproof produced and promoted innovative and effective products characterizes by their low cost, great efficiency, simple use and maintenance, materials of easy access leading to a greater reach by the populations, and by a measurable impact on health and well being as well as a reduction on poverty.. These products are bio-sand and pottery filters, Canzee bombs, SODIS bags, methods of well perforation and micro-solar applications.
In 2005 the company received a Development Marketplace Award from a global contest it entered with the innovation that involved the use of a low cost technique of launching water jets to the construction of holes of little depth equipped with Canzee bombs, so that the production costs would enable the local availability of those bombs.
In 2006 Bushproof used that prize to build 150 wells in Madagascar collaborating with the local ONGs.
The company is already gaining the reconnection of great financers but it still has to give more attention to the production, marketing and negotiation to convince that their products represent an efficient and low cost answer.
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